Thursday, January 13, 2011

Facebook and the Ass Suckage thereof

Yep, there's that tired worn out cliche of a jpeg known as Calvin pissing on something. It's old news but so will Facebook in a few years, hopefully sooner.
Call me old fashioned and out of touch with Modern Times- but Facebook is the work of the devil. Not only does the CIA and the government have their hands in the many pies of Facebook, but so do advertisers and other companies of ill repute.

Gimme a fucking break already, do we really want to know that your dog shit on the living room carpet or that you are at some store? Who cares? Is it really bragging rights that you are at the mall getting ass raped by paying inflated prices for punk junk? (Besides me as it gives a good conduit for something to bitch about, as if I needed help in that department.) I suppose I could scour the google machine and find some real gems of facebook status updates but that's too much like work and I don't want to deprive you of something to do on a rainy day.

Then you have those stupid ass games like Farmtown, Malt Shop Memories, and any other ones I could care less about. That's more shit to piss away your time on when you could be doing something in real life.

As one would expect from a blog like this- Facebook sucks and unlike Calvin above, I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

Just for fun, I have created some status updates that one would be likely to see on the farcebook. 

"Like OMG! I totally got these bracelets for $500! I can be cool for at least a week before the fad changes"
"I'm at Catfish Plantation eating a roasted almond chicken vinagrette with poached peas and a caramel frappe latte expressway. Delicious!"

"Are you fucking kidding me? My dog just shit on the living room floor, FML!"

"Scored big! I was first in line for Nine Inch Nails tickets! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" 

"Went to K-Mart on 400 Oak Street, now off to get pancakes."

These quotes are hypothetical, but typical of what you will see over there.

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