Thursday, May 24, 2012

Got the thirst for a beer standing in the non ferrous line.

I haul a fair amount of scrap metals as a sideline operation to my 2 primary jobs.

If you've ever made a trip to the scrap metal yard you know there's an eclectic mix of people from all walks of life- fine upstanding citizens such as myself all the way down to the hobo living in the woods.

The other day I hauled a load of non ferrous metals to my local preferred yard, After offloading my scrap transporting vehicle, I got in the line to the scale and noticed some douchebag with a brass mailbox. That's it. And the fucking thing was sheet brass with aluminum rivets!

During the course of conversation Mailbox boy stated he figured the box would bring about $10 and that was OK by him as he wanted some beer. I told him he'd be lucky to get $3 for the piece of shit to which he disagreed. Rule #1  never argue with a seasoned scrapper aka metal recycler if you're one of these politically correct stiffnecks. our hands are carefully calibrated scales able to detect with a few ounces what something will weigh. That comes only from experience and longevity in the business.

Back to the mailbox- he gets to the scale, the scale guy starts laughing and asks where the rest of his load is. "That's all I got and it was hard to carry that on my bike" was dumbasses reply.

Long story short Einstein chimpsout because the mailbox only brought $1.75. Serves his ass right.

So what does this have to with my rant blog? Simple. I was pressed for time and these fucking wannabe's are always in my way when I go to the non ferrous side of the yard. I think scrapyards aka metal recyclers should have two lines, one for us seasoned scrappers who bring in an average of 3-4 tons a month and another for dipshits with only one or two things. A fair comparison would be the express lane and the normal checkout lanes at your local grocerterias.

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